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A famous virgin Case was solved by the Somali elders.


Family lawyer Somali elders 

A famous virgin Case was solved by the Somali elders. 

The case happened in the twenties of the last century in the region of wamo in southern Somali near the border with kenya.

The store goes as follows: 

a young man married a young girl and paid the required dowry to her father. soon after the marriage was consummated the girl started deserting the conjugal home. every time she left the house her father became tried of the situation and swore to this son in-law that if the girl left the house another time he would not bring her back anymore. When the father of the girl left them, the young man tied his wife to the central pitch of the ten. 

The verdict of elders 

When he did so she told him you will not keep me tired for ever.I will leave you the very first moment you would untie me."

These words angered the young man too much." he took a dagger, cut her tendons, then untied here and told her to gol.

The incident attracted the neighbors and the parents and relatives of the young couple. The elders also reached the place on the spot. 

It was clear to the elders that they were in front of "knees in the sand case" that required to be dealt with urgency without deleting. the elders were also aware that it was a "virgin Case " that never accurred before. 

The verdict of elders 

The elders sat quickly and after long deliberations issued the following judgement:

1 The young man who cut the tendons of his wife had to cure his wife and provide her with a mule to ride.

2 He was not to divorce her ever or marry, another woman. Besides he would give special economic competition and protect her from further herm. 

3 The girl's father should not seek any blood compensation or revenge.

The verdict of elders 

The two parties accepted the judgment of the elders. The disabled wife bore  12 children for her husband and they all reached adulthood.

The judgment of the elders was very wise because if they judged for a blood compensation to be paid to her girl, the husband would marry another woman and divorce her. But the wife as a disabled person would not find a husband once divorce. 

The elders put first the interest and future of the harmed wife.  The case was a blood case because a person was seriously injured. It was also a custom case, because it involved a family affair. 

The verdict of elders 

The elders preferred to tackle the case as a custom case and not a blood case. By so doing they served the interest of the family. As a result the family prospered and grew. 

The disabled wife was kept inside her family and didn't suffer rejection and abandon. 

The culprit had enough punishment because for many years he had to Care for his disabled wife and help her ride the mule.

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